On 18-20 November 2019, around 400 participants from academia and industry working on industrial biotechnology and bio-economy applications gathered at the ESIB (European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology) conference in Graz, Austria.

This years theme was ‘Next generation bioproduction’, to discuss the future of bioproduction from a scientific and industrial perspective with a focus on mainly two topics:

  • Bioproduction in the Sense of Bioeconomy
  • Advances in Biomanufacturing and Upcoming Biopharmaceuticals

What was in it for MicrobiomeSupport?
During the event, there was a microbiome session highlighting the importance of microbiome applications in a sustainable bio-economy. On top of that, MicrobiomeSupport was represented at the poster sessions and the ‘Science Flash’, where our coordinator Angela Sessitsch gave a 3-minute presentation about the project. Also, MicrobiomeSupport partner Michael Schloter gave a presentation during the conference. The poster sessions and presentations were very well received by participants being interested to join the project and project activities!

Find more information about the ESIB conference here.

Coordinator Angela Sessitch presenting MicrobiomeSupport